7 Code of Ethics for Teachers to Follow

Teachers must follow a specific code of ethics when instructing their students and building lessons. Schools massively impact the lives of young people and the community — if staff exhibit negligence, it can lead to civil suits and other ramifications. As an insurance agent, you can offer coverage guidance to school districts, helping them protect themselves with appropriate policies. Of course, preemptive measures can curb risk.

The Code of Ethics Teachers Must Adhere To

For example, a code of ethics ensures teachers know behavior expectations and gives administration guidelines for staff discipline.

Technology Code of Ethics

Technology plays a huge role in students’ lives, and teachers often utilize it to foster connection and instruction. Educators must professionally conduct themselves when doing so, as social media and the internet are public forums. Indiscretions can hurt the district, the community, and the student body.

Commitment to Continued Learning

Teachers must pursue continuous education as fields expand and shift. New studies and ideas emerge constantly. Therefore, failing to continue studying may unintentionally cause educators to disseminate misinformation. Educators can also learn new teaching techniques to improve efficacy.

Responsibility as a School Community Member

Schools aren’t just places of learning — they’re vibrant communities. Educators are responsible for fostering a caring and open environment where everyone is welcome. As a result, they must refrain from discrimination:

• Based on race, ethnicity, or nation of origin

• Based on sex and gender identity

• Based on religion or belief system

• Based on other protected classes

Adherence to Truth

Students deserve access to accurate information because it provides invaluable knowledge for material success and because every human being has the right to a realistic worldview.

Some subjects, such as the atrocities of slavery, colonization, and authoritarian rule, will be uncomfortable for students. However, skirting these topics or altering their instruction to make them more palatable does a disservice to learners. History informs social, economic, and political systems today, and young people deserve to understand these intricacies.

Acknowledgment of Teaching Impact

Education lays a foundation for students’ futures. Failure to support students may constitute educational malpractice if it significantly impacts their ability to succeed in academic or professional settings.

Dedication to Professional Integrity

Teachers should conduct themselves with integrity in their professional dealings. That means abstaining from the following:

• Lying about qualifications

• Vouching for a colleague while knowing said individual had violated ethical standards

• Releasing sensitive information about students not within the guidelines of mandated reporting or other legal requirements

All of the above can put schools in violation of educational negligence law.

Code of Ethics for Student Interactions

Above all, teachers must act ethically when interacting with students. The educator-student relationship automatically has a power imbalance, as teachers are adults and authority figures. Thus they influence grades, letters of recommendation, and other significant aspects of students’ lives. Educators must keep this imbalance in mind and avoid even the appearance of using it for their own gain.

While a code of ethics ultimately benefits school districts, it must primarily protect the minors under their care. Students deserve agency and respect, yet their legal status leaves them vulnerable. When clients discuss creating an official teacher code of ethics, remind them that professional associations recommend placing students’ well-being at the forefront.

About PGUI

Professional Governmental Underwriters, LLC., is a full-service risk management company dedicated to assisting public, educational and non-profit entities in the management of their professional liability exposures including educators liability insurance. We are dedicated to providing state-of-the-art professional underwriting management and loss control advisory services on behalf of our designated carriers. For more information, call us toll-free at (800) 586-6502.