
Customer Service

Please bind per your quote.
Thanks again to you and your team. I am sure I’ll have the binder and invoice within a few minutes!
Happy New Year!
-Account Manager, Milwaukee retail broker familiar with our processing speed.

Thank you very much, Brenda. I love how prompt you are with the policies!
-Chicago wholesale broker

Thanks! You guys are amazing with how fast you got this to me!!!
-Boston retail broker

Thanks Brenda! You guys are fast!
– Georgia wholesale broker

Got it all – thank you for being so efficient!
– New York wholesale broker

Nice! I wish everyone would issue policies this quickly!
– Missouri wholesale broker

Workplace Helpline

“When I log on, I’m usually looking for answers to my HR questions. My favorite part of the HELPLINE is the attorney access; it is extremely helpful for many human resource items that I may not have answers to. I would absolutely recommend this service to other employers. It is helpful, quick, and the answers I receive are detailed and always accurate. Thank you for providing such an invaluable service.”
-Assistant to the School Superintendant, suburban NJ, 400 employees.

“I am glad you called me, because normally I would not have logged on to the site, but now that you contacted me I will definitely take advantage of the service. I am happy you showed me those posters because I usually pay for them and I never would have known they were available to me through this [Allied World-PGU HELPLINE], so thank you!”
-City Clerk, Town in Georgia, 2 employees.

“The HELPLINE seems to be thorough and very helpful for me and is a resource that I definitely need. I will probably be using the HR Resources the most making sure that my posters and forms are kept updated. The employee handbook builder will be good for when I want to make sure that all of the policies in our current handbook are correct and the ones that we need. The training for discrimination and harassment is great and is something I will be looking into along with the webinar on Wage/Hour.”
-HR officer, Harbor District, Louisiana, 39 employees.