Educator Liability Insurance: GED Pass Rates Plummet

Educator Liability Insurance: GED Pass Rates Plummet 

According to recent data, students all across the country are struggling to pass the latest version of the GED examinations and many states are struggling to understand and explain the sizable decrease in passing scores. Historically, the GED has been used to measure an individual’s readiness to enter the American workforce and is often regarded as one of the easier standardized examinations students can take. However, according to the most recent data from the GED Testing Service, the number of people who earned their GED decreased almost 90 percent across the country over last year. The GED Testing Service reports that only about 55,000 students passed the latest exam last year, compared to over 540, 000 who passed in 2013.

These results are the result of widespread poor pass rates and fewer students attempting the exams. Only 225 Rhode Island students passed the exam this year compared to the 2,363 students who passed it last year, according to reports. Reports for Georgia indicate that only half of those who took the GED exam passed this year, and the number of individuals attempting the test was less than a third of the amount of GED candidates from years past.

What is causing the dramatic slump in pass rates?

It seems that students are simply finding the test harder than previous years. Some GED educators feel that the intentions behind the exam have changed to place more emphasis on ensuring GED candidates are prepared for college than the American workforce. The GED test was adjusted this year to better comply with the new Common Core standards used in most high schools throughout the nation. These Common Core standards have proven challenging for conventional students and educators as well, who have over all seen a poor performance in state and federal standardized testing scores. The new GED exam is now composed of five parts divided by subject area and involves more problem solving questions rather than the traditional multiple choice options. Furthermore, test takers are now required to take the exam digitally and answer more essay and written response questions than ever before. Because the electronic test is timed, test takers must show adequate typing skills and digital proficiency in order to be successful on the exam and finish on time.

These results have educators and regulators concerned. The drastic drop in the number of people passing the GED exam is considered a nationwide problem, as the test reportedly makes up some 12 percent of all high school diplomas received each year. Educators will undoubtedly face a number of challenges as they attempt to adapt to the new exam demands and standards.

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