Increasing Misconduct Accountability in Policing

Due to a string of high-profile cases, police are under more scrutiny than ever. The media has focused on instances of violence, force, and fatalities at the hands of law enforcement — and studies indicate that such incidents are widely underreported. It’s no wonder, then, that civilians’ trust in police would be eroded. What can local precincts do to mitigate this problem and ensure that they maintain a positive relationship with their communities? How can these incidents be avoided in the first place? If precincts want to increase accountability in their department, consider the following tips.

Performance Reviews

Performance reviews are one of the first opportunities that departments have to bring problems to an officer’s attention. It also offers an opportunity to document those issues formally. Performance reviews should thus be taken seriously and include a review of an officer’s use of force, complaints from civilians, vehicle collisions, and firearm discharge history. All of these are commonly contentious issues that can justify escalation if not addressed in a timely manner. Be sure to offer meaningful coaching and feedback in performance reviews, too.

Establish Appropriate Conduct

One of the most important aspects of minimizing misconduct is offering specific and detailed definitions of appropriate conduct. Precincts cannot simply assume that officers will make appropriate decisions based on their individual judgment. Rather, precincts need to establish the guidelines of appropriate conduct in clearly defined terms. This can be done by writing and distributing a policy manual that outlines the correct response to a range of situations. Protocol for arrests, firearm discharge, and use of force should all be clearly outlined in the guide. Officers may periodically be quizzed to ensure they are familiar with protocol.

Personnel Complaints

Due to the nature of policing, it’s inevitable that officers will receive complaints from civilians. Most situations that require police intervention are already contentious with emotions running high — and this can lead to anger that’s misdirected at law enforcement. Nonetheless, complaints from civilians should not be dismissed, and every one should be investigated properly to ensure that no incident of misconduct took place. If it is discovered that an officer did act inappropriately, they should be properly reprimanded and coached so that they understand correct procedure.

Records Maintenance

Finally, yet another often-overlooked responsibility of police precincts is the necessity of maintaining proper records. When incidents of misconduct are addressed, they are frequently addressed verbally with no corresponding documentation of the incident. This can backfire on a precinct and allow misconduct to continue if there is no paper trail detailing an officer’s history. If an officer acts inappropriately, it’s essential that it is documented thoroughly. This prevents any further misconduct incidents from occurring, and it makes it easier for departments to identify habitual offenders.

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