The Items Every Teacher Needs for Back to School

It is back to school time, and teachers should know what to do to prepare for the arrival of their new students. Summer has come to a close, and classroom doors are beginning to open again. With the arrival of a new educational year, teachers around the country prepare to welcome a new batch of students. These educators are readying rooms, fixing bulletin boards, and gearing up for a great year.

Starting the year on the right foot remains essential. Teachers need a positive mindset and tools to help them begin well. Brokers can work with their clients to discuss the classroom essentials and the value of Educators Liability & Employment Practices Liability. 

Back to School: What Teachers Need

The following are items that every teacher needs from day one.


School days go by quickly. Teachers need to know what they need to accomplish. Planners, whether online or in print, give educators an efficient way to evaluate their weekly and monthly goals; plus, they provide documentation of meeting lesson objectives.

Insurance Coverage

Schools deal with complex issues. Teachers and administrators may make decisions with the best intentions yet find themselves quickly caught in a situation where they need legal help. Insurance brokers should work with educators to provide essential coverage, offering defense against claims. Review the difference between E & O and Professional Liability policies, finding the right fit per client.

A Durable Pencil Sharpener

Kids use plenty of pencils. They can practically live at the sharpener. Tips break off; they wear down. Teachers need a quiet, efficient tool for students to prepare their writing utensils without making a ton of noise or breaking down frequently. A solid, silent, and reliable pencil sharpener could save headaches.

Plenty of Writing Utensils

Teachers need more than the stereotypical red pen. Invest in various pens, highlighters, and markers for these essential tasks. Of course, don’t skip out on the whiteboard markers! Studies indicate that color coding helps kids retain information. Write notes for the class using a popping blue or purple. Pupils are less likely to forget facts and due dates.

A Large Organizer

Schools haven’t gone paperless yet. Assignments and forms may stack up quickly. Have organizers separate papers by type—label items by classes, subjects, and immediacy.

A Comfortable Bag

Materials go home. Education isn’t a job that ends with the bell, making teaching a hard job to leave at work. Therefore, teachers should have a carry bag with a firm strap and lots of pockets and space. Grab something convenient that has a tight close and plenty of room.

As students and teachers kick off the new year, brokers can take the time to work with educators on their liability and supply needs. Discuss the value of Educators Liability & Employment Practices Liability, and encourage professionals to stock up early on their essential items.

About PGUI

Professional Governmental Underwriters, LLC., is a full-service risk management company dedicated to assisting public, educational and non-profit entities in the management of their professional liability exposures including educators liability insurance. We are dedicated to providing state-of-the-art professional underwriting management and loss control advisory services on behalf of our designated carriers. For more information, call us toll-free at (800) 586-6502.