How Police Officers Can Manage Stress

Police officers have plenty of stress that comes with their jobs and must know how to handle it. When stress goes unmanaged for an extended period, an individual can experience health problems. The stigma surrounding mental health is slowly changing as the importance of mental health and support resources become widely known.

How Police Officers Can Handle the Rigors of the Job

Learn how various treatments, combined with a current police professional liability insurance policy, can help officers better manage their stress. 

Why Police Officers need to Manage Stress

Unmanaged stress can manifest in many ways. In severe cases, it can leave the police officer unable to effectively and safely perform their job. Others may turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms that further deteriorate their own health and ability to work. 

Additionally, the threat of facing costly litigation can cause undue stress, which is why having a police liability insurance policy in effect is critical. This type of insurance covers financial losses associated with omissions and errors in the field. 

Stress Management for Police Officers

Police officers with access to the resources necessary to manage their stress and encouraged to do so are more likely to seek help when needed. Some of the most effective options to combat stress include:

• Awareness training: Police departments must provide training that identifies common signs of stress and stress-related health and coping problems. Education and awareness is the first step to eliminating stigma and getting help to those in need. 

• Counseling: Talk therapy and methods such as cognitive behavioral therapy have proven adequate to manage and reduce stress. It is best to approach counseling voluntarily, although having an office-wide counseling requirement normalizes the practice. 

• Peer support: Talking to fellow officers who understand the demands and risks of the job can prove especially helpful. Programs should focus on providing confidential guidance from trained professionals capable of handling intense situations. 

• Critical incident stress debriefing: A traumatic accident always leaves behind an impact. However, the failure of the department to address the problem and provide necessary follow-up support leads to more negative outcomes. 

Keeping a current police insurance policy that covers claims against the officer or department is another safeguard to alleviate everyday worries. 

While the availability of treatment options is growing, some officers may still be reluctant to get help if they feel the lingering social stigma surrounding mental health treatments. It is why it’s so crucial for police departments and the community alike to normalize and encourage support practices. Offering options for online and mobile counseling and other methods of treatment that allow for greater privacy and anonymity also contribute to the likelihood of stressed officers asking for assistance with their mental health. 

How Police Professional Liability Insurance Reduces Stress

Police professional liability insurance is a big part of keeping stress levels down. The nature of police work means that officers frequently face situations with multiple unstable variables that could lead to perceived errors. Liability insurance protects in case of a lawsuit for negligence, a violation of civil rights, or false arrests. This coverage is crucial to allow police officers to continue to do their job, even if expensive litigation is happening within the department. 

About PGUI

Professional Governmental Underwriters, LLC., is a full-service risk management company dedicated to assisting public, educational and non-profit entities in the management of their professional liability exposures including educators liability insurance. We are dedicated to providing state-of-the-art professional underwriting management and loss control advisory services on behalf of our designated carriers. For more information, call us toll-free at (800) 586-6502.