Virginia School Board Insurance: MO Educators Carry Concealed Weapons

Virginia School Board Insurance: MO Educators Carry Concealed Weapons 

Missouri school boards are seeking to improve the security of their institutions by utilizing new laws which allow faculty members to participate in concealed weapon training. As a response to increasing concerns regarding campus safety and security, teachers from 10 districts across the state have completed the concealed weapons training program in the past 18 months. Selected on a volunteer, highly-screened basis teachers, faculty members and educational administrators are being permitted to apply through the school board for the special training.

For a fee of $17,500, Missouri school districts can receive 40 hours of firearms training, lasting a duration of five days, for up to two selected faculty members. The fee also includes liability insurance, workers’ compensation insurance, and compensation to instructors participating in the program. The training includes a variety of weapon, safety and tactical movement training along with basic gunshot wound care. Following the completion of their training, the trainees return to the educational institution was their training remains confidential to all except school authorities. Their status as concealed weapons carriers should only become known in the case of an emergency event, at which time their skills and training would be utilized.

This armed educator initiative is largely supported by educators in remote and rural areas where getting law enforcement on campus often takes time. In many of these events times is essential to the safety of the student body and faculty members. There have been 74 school shootings since the Sandy Hook Elementary tragedy in 2012, and countless more violent assaults involving knives and other weaponry. According to a survey by the Association of American Educators, 91% of educators polled believe that having a trained, armed guard on school premises would improve campus safety.

While armed staff members could potential help protect students and educators, there are many liability risks involved with employing an armed guard on campus. Educators and school boards participating in these programs should be aware of the risks exposures any educational institution could face having firearms on campus. Professional Governmental Underwriters, Inc. is a full-service risk management company specializes is addressing the insurance needs of Educators and Educational Institutions. We understand that a broad spectrum of insurance coverage is essential to defend the educational entity, its employees and even its volunteers. Our Virginia School Board Insurance programs are tailored specifically for public, parochial and nonprofit private school entities including colleges, universities and vocational training schools. For more information about our School Board Insurance programs Contact Us today.