Why Cops Need a Solid Police Insurance Policy

A police insurance policy is a wise investment for your clients as they battle numerous obstacles in their profession. Recent years have seen a constant stream of headlines announcing unrest and backlash surrounding law enforcement in the U.S. Much of this response has followed incidents involving alleged abuse, misconduct, and other violations. In some cases, the backlash has escalated to litigation, which poses a significant liability for any police department.

The Reasons for Your Clients to Get a Police Insurance Plan

Law enforcement needs a police reform insurance plan and police officer liability insurance to minimize the likelihood of this outcome.

Benefits of a Police Reform Insurance Plan

A police reform insurance plan offers several benefits. Many law enforcement departments already have general liability coverage through their local jurisdiction. While this coverage is advantageous, it may not be enough to fully shield officers from the liability of their work. Insurance for police officers addresses law enforcement’s specific risks in the line of duty. A standard insurance policy cannot match this breadth of coverage. Additionally, insurance that covers police officers can minimize administrative and organizational liabilities.

Allegations of Property Damage

Liability for property damage is one of the most common allegations against law enforcement. Unfortunately, it’s often inevitable when police are seeking a suspect or pursuing a dangerous offender. One homeowner in Colorado found himself in this situation when police damaged his house while chasing a shoplifter. Although damages exceeded $400,000, the court ruled that law enforcement was not liable for repairs. It isn’t always the case, though; departments must be ready for potential liability in instances like this.

Civil Rights Violations

Civil rights violations are yet another common allegation levied against law enforcement. A police reform insurance plan can mitigate the consequences of this charge, but departments need to train officers to honor citizens’ rights. Inappropriate threats, verbal abuse, and physical intimidation are just a few examples of potential violations. Officers should always strive to maintain a calm and respectful demeanor throughout interactions with civilians to minimize this risk.

Injuries and Assaults

Allegations of injuries and assaults are the most significant reason police officers need insurance. Even if an officer does not intentionally hurt a civilian, it’s easy for injuries to occur during arrests, investigations, and other police business. A police reform insurance plan is the best defense against these liabilities and the expenses that they often incur. In a worst-case scenario, if a fatality results, a wrongful death lawsuit can result in an exorbitant settlement. Insurance can also protect individual police officers from personal liability and lawsuits.

Choose the Right Police Reform Insurance Plan

A police reform insurance plan is the best investment your law enforcement clients can make in the long-term protection of their department. Police face greater liability than nearly any other occupation, so choosing the right insurance program is imperative. Insurers can serve their customers in police departments by offering insurance for police officers and proactively providing risk mitigation tips. These steps can help departments implement better strategies for limiting liability while shielding officers from litigation costs.

About PGUI

Professional Governmental Underwriters, LLC., is a full-service risk management company dedicated to assisting public, educational and non-profit entities in the management of their professional liability exposures including educators liability insurance. We are dedicated to providing state-of-the-art professional underwriting management and loss control advisory services on behalf of our designated carriers. For more information, call us toll-free at (800) 586-6502.