
March 20, 2015

Police Seek Compensation and Solutions for PTSD

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) has become a serious threat to law enforcement operations. Through the course of their job performance, police and law enforcement personnel are […]
March 6, 2015

Education Management Insurance: PARCC Tests Cause Conflict

 School boards and education officials are seeing resistance from students and parents as millions of students across the nation struggle to complete the federal and state […]
February 25, 2015

Radar Technologies Increasing Police Department Liability Exposures

For years police departments have had the option of obtaining specialized motion detection technology to use while out in the field. Yet the morality and use […]
February 13, 2015

Educators Liability Insurance: Assessing Student Progress

Educators Liability Insurance: Assessing Student Progress   For educators, student growth and progress is a top priority but can be hard to gauge and assess. It […]