Public Officials Liability

June 15, 2024

Risk Management for Public Officers During Elections

Public officials face numerous challenges during election periods, making public officer liabilities insurance crucial for managing risks. This insurance protects officials from legal actions and allegations […]
April 24, 2024
Public officials liability insurance i

Employment Practices Liability for Public Officials: Addressing Risks in Permits, Licenses, and Grants

Public officials often navigate complex legal landscapes while administering permits, licenses, and grants. These duties carry significant responsibilities, and the potential for legal challenges looms large, […]
February 21, 2024
public officials liability

Navigating Public Officials Liability: Top Challenges and Strategies in the Public Sector

Public officials are under a microscope these days and face increased risks of getting sued or having complaints filed against them. With the current polarized climate, […]
January 10, 2024
public official liability insurance

The Role of Public Officials Liability Insurance in Grant and Budgetary Disputes

Even experienced public officials can face claims of mismanagement when handling budgets and grants. Public officials liability insurance addresses the specific exposures these niche professionals face. […]