educators legal liability

February 25, 2019
Are Schools Causing Anxiety and Depression?

Are Schools Causing Anxiety and Depression?

Anxiety and depression have always played somewhat of a role in our schools. While not necessarily categorized as such, students and teachers alike have been emotionally […]
February 18, 2019
Teachers on Social Media: Where Do the Boundaries Fall?

Teachers on Social Media: Where Do the Boundaries Fall?

From Twitter to Facebook, Instagram to Snapchat, live streaming to double-tapping, social media has transformed the way we connect and communicate. It’s made its way into […]
February 4, 2019
Would Armed Guards on Campuses Just Increase Liability?

Would Armed Guards on Campuses Just Increase Liability?

A recent study from the National Center for Education Statistics found that the number of armed guards or armed personnel on school campuses in the United […]
January 28, 2019
The Legal Concerns of Classroom Technology

The Legal Concerns of Classroom Technology

Technology has always been a part of our classroom experience in the United States; it’s just gotten more and more sophisticated as new technologies are developed. […]