Educational Articles

September 20, 2021
drone policy

How Police Can Develop a Drone Policy

The 2010s saw drones emerge as a popular consumer product, but many people are unaware of the long history these devices boast. Though many individuals use […]
September 13, 2021
shooter response plan

How Can Police Create an Active Shooter Response Plan?

An active shooter crisis is anybody’s worst nightmare, but it’s an increasingly common reality. According to the FBI, thousands of lives have been lost to such […]
September 7, 2021
special education

Tips for Making Teaching Special Education Simpler

A career in any aspect of education will have its rewards and challenges, but special education is a unique specialty that has its own set of […]
August 30, 2021
officer wellness

The Importance of Physical Wellness for Police Officers

Making sure your clients are well covered by an insurance policy is just the start of your job as a broker. In addition to offering guidance […]