Educational Articles

October 22, 2018
Municipalities Move to Add Protections Against Sex-Based Discrimination

Municipalities Move to Add Protections Against Sex-Based Discrimination

Since sexual discrimination laws were put in place a number of changes and updates have been injected to evolve with changing workplace environments, legal mandates and […]
October 15, 2018
More and More Municipalities Develop Social Media Policies for Employees: What’s Effective?

More and More Municipalities Develop Social Media Policies for Employees: What’s Effective?

When social media platforms initially came out, they were meant to promote communication online. Essentially, they were a digital supplement for our everyday chats with friends, […]
October 8, 2018
Recent Trends in Zoning Reform: What Will They Lead To?

Recent Trends in Zoning Reform: What Will They Lead To?

One thing that sees its fair share of news coverage is the status of housing prices in the United States. Since the recent economic crash in […]
September 24, 2018
Why Some School Districts Today Are Choosing Not to Work With Charter Schools

Why Some School Districts Today Are Choosing Not to Work With Charter Schools

Charter schools and school districts usually work together through charter school authorizing. School districts lend a hand by authorizing public charter schools with other educational institutions […]